【领寻学员分享】黄同学 :Summer Ends But Memory never Dies




The Memory of Clifton College

Two weeks went by so quickly that I didn't really have a chance to feel it with my heart. Here, I met many amicable teachers and made many virtuous friends. In retrospect, a lot of what happened at Clifton College was like a wonderful dream.

On the first day I just arrived, I was like a turtle, afraid to communicate with everyone. When others greeted me, I was very shy, only replied an awkward "hi". As a result, I didn't leave a good first impression to others. I think this is the reason that why no one paid attention to me on the first day.

After the first embarrassing day, I gradually found that people around me is all very amicable, not as cold as I thought, I began to approach them slowly, more and more people got to know me, and I became friends with more and more people. We played football together with electronic music on. 

Although we were a little tired after playing football, we were very delighted, and walked back to the dormitory with our arms round our shoulders.

They encouraged me to do something I had never done before and gave me confidence to accomplish my goals in the future. They even taught me how to play tennis with hand-guiding. I was so grateful!

Every week we went out to Cardiff, Oxford and Bath for activities. Whenever I mention these, lots of memories will fill my mind. Every time I think about our short trip, I always think fondly of Clifton College. How I wish I can stay there for longer time!

Our courses were also interesting. The two English classes in the morning were very substantial, the lesson's content was very rich, too. On the first class, we usually learnt some knowledge that was more serious, like grammar, speaking and writing. Although the first class was a little bit boring, I got a lot of knowledge felt very proud! The second class was much more funny then the first class. We played some pub quiz. We also act some drama! We enjoyed that lesson very much.

As a Chinese saying goes, "All good things come to an end." No matter how fantastic the moment was, it passed by. We may be able to prevent injuries and disasters, but we can't stop the elapse of time.

On the plane back to China, I kept thinking about what happened in Clifton College, and my teachers and friends. I really want to get back to my sweet little room and the full of people's hall... I miss everything there, and I love everything there.

All in all, I like the summer school very much. It helps me learn a lot thing, not only knowledge but also many other things like the different culture between country and country.





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在世界排名第二的伦敦帝国理工精英教育的熏陶下,Tiger Liu (刘太戈)逐渐认识到教育的精髓。回国后,他和同是毕业于英美顶尖名校的硕士、博士以及博士后朋友们一起创办了领寻互联网跨境服务平台。
